Proposal for an ACTION PLAN
The first World Congress on Enforced Disappearances has been conceived as an action-oriented event.
The proposed Action Plan for the protection of all persons from enforced disappearance has been developed to fulfil this goal.
A list of activities and actions is proposed in relation to each of the eight areas of the proposed Action Plan for its implementation. This document reflects the outcome of broad consultations held between May and September 2024 with relevant actors in all regions.
Related pledges
All participants – including States, CSOs, international and regional organizations and mechanisms, national human rights institutions, academic institutions, experts – are encouraged to register pledges to demonstrate their commitment to the global fight against enforced disappearance and readiness to take action.
Pledges will also allow to make and measure progress towards the goal of eradicating enforced disappearance everywhere in the world.
To facilitate the drafting process, model pledges aimed at various entities will be provided (in English only for the time being). Pledging entities are invited to choose the elements that best correspond to their situation and adapt the model texts to their individual priorities and contexts.
The list is neither exhaustive nor exclusive. Please, feel free to use it as guide.
Actors may of course present other pledges that fulfil the abovementioned criteria and pursue the overall goal to protect all persons from enforced disappearance.
Model pledges will be presented by entity and related to the various points of the proposed Action Plan, which are referenced in each model pledge.
Once you have your pledge(s), please fill the form provided.
The deadline for submitting pledges is 20 December 2024.
Many thanks for your concrete contribution to the global fight against enforced disappearances.
Guidance and model pledges
Content and criteria
Pledges' content should fulfil the following criteria:
Pursue the overall goal i.e. the protection of all persons from enforced disappearance
Be developed in consultation with stakeholders, especially victims
Be action-oriented and outline concrete actions
State clear, measurable commitment(s)
Provide a timeframe.
Pledging entities
All participants – including States, CSOs, international and regional organizations and mechanisms, national human rights institutions, academic institutions, experts – are encouraged to submit pledges.
Pledges may be individual or joint, including multi-actor activities to promote partnerships.
Pledges will be published on the website and in the report on the World Congress.
Guidance and model pledges
To facilitate the drafting process, model pledges aimed at various entities will be provided (in English only for the time being). Pledging entities are invited to choose the elements that best correspond to their situation and adapt the model texts to their individual priorities and contexts.
The list is neither exhaustive nor exclusive. Please, feel free to use it as guide.
Actors may of course present other pledges that fulfil the abovementioned criteria and pursue the overall goal to protect all persons from enforced disappearance.
Model pledges will be presented by entity and related to the various points of the proposed Action Plan, which are referenced in each model pledge.
Once you have your pledge(s), please fill the form provided.
Many thanks for your concrete contribution to the global fight against enforced disappearances.