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Cérémonie d'ouverture officielle
Cérémonie d'ouverture officielle

Cérémonie d'ouverture officielle

Horaire et lieu

15 janv. 2025, 09:30 – 12:00 UTC+1

CICG I Amphi D (et en ligne), 17 Rue de Varembé, 1211 Genève, Suisse

À propos de la session


  • Mandira SHARMA, International Commission of Jurists (ICJ), Conseillère juridique internationale principale – Membre du conseil consultatif de la CEDI, Népal

  • Olivier DE FROUVILLE, United Nations Committee on Enforced Disappearances (CED), Président – Membre du conseil consultatif de la CEDI, France


  • Accueil et ouverture par Emmanuel DECAUX, Président de la CEDI, ancien Président du Comité des Nations Unies sur les disparitions forcées (CED)

  • Discours de Nada Youssef A. AL NASHIF, Haute-Commissaire adjointe des Nations Unies aux droits de l’homme

  • Panel de témoignages de membres de familles de personnes disparues provenant de cinq régions : Afrique, Asie, Europe, Amérique Latine et MENA

  • Segment de haut niveau avec les partenaires du Congrès et les représentants d'États et d'institutions souhaitant annoncer des engagements volontaires


      • France on behalf of CEDI’s Core States, Mme Isabelle ROME, Ambassadrice pour les droits de l'homme

      • Switzerland, Ambassadeur Julien THÖNI, Représentant permanent adjoint de la Suisse auprès de l'Office des Nations Unies et autres organisations internationales à Genève

      • UN Voluntary Fund for Victims of Torture, Mr. Jens Modvig (EN), Chair of the Board of Trustees

      • International Commission on Missing Persons (ICMP), Ms. Kathryne  BOMBERGER, Director- General

      • International Commission of Jurists (ICJ), Mr. Santiago CANTON, Secretary General

      • Barreau de Paris, Mr. Charles Ohlguller, Representative of the Paris Bar

      • CCFD-Terre Solidaire, Ms. Charlotte De Poncins (FR), Directrice des partenariats internationaux

      • International Center for Transitional Justice (ICTJ), Mr. Fernando TRAVESI, Executive Director

      • Amnesty International, Ms. Agnès CALLAMARD, Secretary General

      • International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH), Ms. Alice MOGWE, President

      • International Catalan Institute for Peace, Mr. Kristian Herbolzheimer, Director

      • Reporters Without Borders (RSF), Mr. Antoine BERNARD, Director of Advocacy and Assistance

      • World Organisation Against Torture (OMCT), Ms. Carin BENNINGER-BUDEL (EN), Deputy Secretary-General

      • ACAT-France, Mme Solange MOUME-ETIA (FR), Directrice du Pôle Programmes & Plaidoyer

      • Geneva Human Rights Platform, Mr. Felix Kirchmeier, Executive Director


      • Ms. Géraldine MATTIOLI-ZELTNER, Representative of the CoE Commissioner for Human Rights

      • Mr. Constantinos Efstathiou (Cyprus/SOC) Representative of the Parliamentary Assembly of the CoE

      • Mr. Idrissa Sow, Commissioner, Chair of the Working Group on the Death Penalty, Extra-Judicial, Summary or Arbitrary Killings and Enforced Disappearances in Africa

      • Ms. Andrea Pochak, Commissioner, Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, Rapporteur on Memory, Truth and Justice (video)

    • STATES

      • Poland – Ms. Maria Ejchart, Undersecretary of State of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Poland

      • Mauritania – H.E. Sid’Ahmed Benane, Commissioner for Human Rights, Humanitarian Action and Civil Society Relations of Mauritania

      • Armenia – Mr. Hayk Sargsyan, Head of the Humanitarian Issues Division in the Human Rights and Humanitarian Issues Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Armenia

      • Belgium – H.E Mr. Christophe Payot, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Belgium to the United Nations Office and specialized institutions in Geneva

      • Brazil – H.E Mr. Tovar Da Silva Nunes, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Brazil to the United Nations Office and other international organizations in Geneva

      • Chile – H.E Mrs. Claudia Fuentes Julio, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Chile to the United Nations and other international organizations in Geneva

      • Colombia – H.E Mr. Gustavo Gallón, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Colombia to the United Nations Office and other international organizations in Geneva

      • Croatia – H.E Mrs. Andrea Javor, Deputy Permanent Representative of the Republic of Croatia to the United Nations Office and other international organizations in Geneva

      • France – Mrs Isabelle Rome, Ambassador at large for Human Rights for France

      • Gambia – Mrs. Bafou Jeng, Human Rights Counsellor of the Permanent Mission of The Gambia to the United Nations Office and other international organizations in Geneva

      • Germany – H.E Mrs. Nikola Gilhoff, Ambassador, Deputy Permanent Representative and Chargée d’affaires a.i. of the Federal Republic of Germany to the United Nations Office and other international organizations in Geneva

      • Luxembourg – H.E Mr. Marc Bichler, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg to the United Nations Office and other international organizations in Geneva

      • Morocco – Mme Fatima Barkan, Secrétaire Générale de la Délégation Interministérielle aux Droits de l’Homme

      • Mexico – H.E Mr. Fernando Espinosa Olivera, Ambassador and Deputy Permanent Representative of Mexico to the United Nations Office and other international organizations in Geneva

      • Sudan – H.E Mr. Hassan Hamid Hassan Hamid, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of the Republic of Sudan to the United Nations and International Organizations in Geneva

      • Uruguay – Mrs. Florencia Dudok, Head of International Affairs and Communication of the Secretariat of Human Rights for the Recent Past of Uruguay

    • NHRIs

      • The Gambia, Mr. Emmanuel JOOF, Chair of the National Human Rights Commission

      • Morocco, Mme Amina BOUAYACH, Présidente du Conseil National des Droits de l'Homme

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